I saw this quote in someone’s Facebook post the other day, and although I cringe at the reality of the statement, in general I must agree – Done is better than perfect.
With this current task of creating a new personal brand for myself, “done” is the goal of this first blog post. Sure, I need to get my EasyDNS configuration to point scottstauffer.ca to this Windows Azure Web Site. Sure, I have to figure out this whole new world of WordPress, and the underlying technologies of MySQL & PHP and how it operates on this slightly, non-traditional Windows Azure Web Site infrastructure. And that’s only the technology aspects of this endeavour… I also need to think about my message, my voice; I have to choose a colour scheme that reflect my feeling and personality…
Okay, while “Done” is close at hand, please don’t confuse this with “Good”. Good as it loosely relates to the Voltarian quote “Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien.” or loosely translated to “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” But perhaps, I’ve lost my perspective… My goal was to post my first blog on this new site, and perhaps this is just good enough.
I look forward to sharing a better branded experience shortly on http://ScottStauffer.ca/ but today, you were brought here to a generic WordPress site. Expect some SQL Server BI video blogs here in the future, and perhaps some articles on alternative fuel technology and natural resource management on the personal scale.
And with that, my work here (for now) is done…