I am a man of data. I employ the scientific method. I use metrics and build dashboards.
I guess I could measure it by attendees, by the number of speakers who submitted. Perhaps, I could measure the Social Media buzz or how well I managed my budget, or how many repeat attendees. These all tell good stories, they allow us to compare with other events, and decide the relative value.
In reality, I am much more a qualitative guy. I look at the involvement of the numerous volunteers, the number of email thank yous, the amount of time spent with attendees organizers and sponsors after the event. I also look at the pre-event activities and the new friendships that were formed. I also look at the smiles on the people’s faces, and the energy of the event.
I had a blast, and I thank the speakers, 5 of which traveled from Europe, and thought to stop by in Canada to present: Niko, Hugo, Oliver, Constantin and Mladen – Thanks guys! Eight Speakers came from others parts of Canada: John W., Rohan, Edwin, Damir, Jean-Rene, Karen Lopez, Michael and Colin – Tim Horton’s all around! Thanks to our speakers who crossed the 49th to come visit us – there were 17 of you. Then we have Julie, who is just trying to get as many legitimate international foursquare check-ins in a 1 years period – likely for a GeoFlow presentation.
Thanks you to our Organizing Committee. Todd helped keep me from having a panic attack on the day by printing of some of the speed passes for the few people who forgot to printout their name badges and raffle tickets. Blythe who help with the Marketing and Communications, and many other logistics. To Donabel for looking after the Program Guide, the Guidebook App integration, and assisting Blythe with the dozens of volunteers. Thanks to Jamie and Melody for coming all the way from the Interior of BC, where they now have two (2) PASS Chapters! Jamie helped with sponsor coordination, logistics, and he was up on stage with me during the raffle draw. Melody organized the entire Lightning Talk line up, communication and coordination. Richard Looked after communication with the speakers and slotting people in to tracks. I like how everyone jumped in to lend a hand and make the event a success. Thanks Team
Special thanks to Jonathan for stepping forward an taking care of business and taking the left over lunches to a Vancouver homeless shelter. Thank you as well to the Christine for once again coming out and helping a presence and leadership at the registration tables.
Thanks to the Sponsors too who were there to financially support the event – we couldn’t do it without you guys either…
This sounds like one of those long Oscar speeches and I think I can hear the Jaws music starting…
In the end there’s only on measurement that I concern myself with. Will we do it again next year? Absolutely!
Aw Scott! You are the best 😀
Not only you and the team have pulled off one of the best SQL Saturday events ever, all of us really enjoyed our visit to Canada! Nothing beats a beautiful country with amazing group of people! The enthusiasm of organizers, volunteers, speakers and – most of all – the attendees, were just fantastic.
Many thanks to you and the team, the sponsors, the attendees and all other speakers, from the bottom of my heart!
‘Till next SQL Saturday YVR!
Julie (@MsSQLGirl)
ps: I’d say, next stop would have to be Europe, eh?
it was a fantastic day, loved the buzz and the crowd. count me in for the next one.